We are a family who deeply love the presence of God and partner with the Holy Spirit to express the joy and power of His kingdom in every area of life. At the center of this ministry is a pursuit of God's presence, where our hearts are transformed and launched into your God given purpose on earth. We are excited to journey with you on His adventures as we pursue God's presence- passionately follow Jesus admonition to GO into the world and preach to fulfil the Great Commission until His Kingdom is established on earth as it is in heaven.  


Ingela, Gabriella, Samuel & David


Kerusso Ministry runs various Kerusso Kingdom Schools in Brazil, Sweden and Germany where we welcome people to join us.

Kerusso Ministry is a ministry rooted in the love of God and dedicated to see revival and transformation, through seeing the lost saved and the saved revived; awakening a generation to the purposes of God. 

The Lord has given us a mandate to preach – heal - deliver and see His Kingdom impact individuals - families - cities and nations. We believe we're on the edge of a move of God we have not seen before.

As a ministry, we also travel around the world - mainly to North America, Brazil, the Netherlands, Portugal, Norway, Nepal, South Korea and South Africa - to teach and equip churches, ministries and bible schools, as well as, mission focused outreaches.