kērussō - Greek: κηρύσσω to be a herald, preach, proclaim, share with authority: 

“used of the public proclamation of the gospel, made by John the Baptist, by Jesus, and the Apostles”


It all began with a God encounter in March 2000, in Australia. The first seed of a school/ministry was planted when I was given a prophetic word by a guest speaker about prophetic supernatural evangelism.

That encounter shook me like someone had poured burning coals into my body. 

As the years continued other encounters followed. For 9 years I carried this vision in my heart through prayer, fasting, and serving in various nations with YWAM and other ministries. 

Kerusso: instantly the word came into my mind.

I heard the Lord say, "Look up the meaning of the word, and I knew I was being pulled into a bigger story of His kingdom. 

It was in March 2010, as I finished speaking in Herrnhut, Germany, that all flights were suddenly cancelled in Europe because of the volcano eruption in Iceland. That Friday, on my way home to Sweden, two precious friends invited me to stay over at their place in Berlin. It was that night, as we sat at the table having a meal, that changed the future as I knew it. My dear friends asked what I was carrying in my heart, and I began to share about the vision I had been dreaming of for 9 years. One of my friends said in a loving way, "We women get pregnant for 9 months and you men for 9 years," and we all laughed. What happened next felt like the glory of the Lord filled the room, and we were all on our faces on the floor for hours, in awe of God. 

It began with a single act of obedience.

In June 2010, Kerusso Ministry School was launched in Herrnhut, Germany. 

Kerusso was birthed from a deep conviction and a high value for His presence, pure intimacy with God, identity in Jesus, and knowing our authority as sons and daughters of God. 

We believe that as we encounter God by beholding Him, we are then transformed into His image as we become like Him in character. We grow in reverence for the Lord, and then out of the overflow of that intimate relationship, we become ever-transforming conduits for His Kingdom, who boldly proclaim Him everywhere we go. 

You were created for His presence, don’t settle for religion